Friday, December 9, 2011


I know that we still have two more blog posts and a final for this class, but I just wanted to celebrate with everyone the fact that we are done with all of our regular assignments, especially the essay. I dislike doing essays at the time I am doing them, but always afterwards it makes me feel like I have learned and accomplished something. I am glad I did it, and I am glad it is over, especially since it was pretty hectic in the end to get everything in.

I ended up completely re-writing my rough draft during class on Thursday (sorry teachers, but when inspiration strikes it strikes) then spent the rest of the afternoon working on it. I changed my focus, and I like the essay quite a bit better now. I was going to turn it in after my Leading Edge meeting that evening (yes, the link is there so you will go check out our website), but then I realized that I had left my rough draft at home, so I had to run all the way home and get it, which took me 28 minutes (I'm proud of myself. It usually takes 50. Running is so much faster). I also realized I had forgotten a paperclip, so I had to borrow one from the Leading Edge stash (in this case, "borrow" means they don't know about it, but I'll surreptitiously slip an extra in the stash tomorrow). I did a final proof-read and found several mistakes I'm really glad I found, then turned it in at 10:30, which was quite a bit later than I had originally intended to turn it in.

Does anyone else have exciting stories about the world trying to get them to not turn in their essay?

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